Using our secret soup recipe and hand-made ingredients, everyday we work tirelessly making one of Japan's favorite foods, ramen. In addition to the standard soy sauce, miso and pork broth based ramen, we have a plentiful original menu. We also serve alcoholic beverages, beer and snacks.
Tonkotsu Shoyu RamenNoodle in rich flavor Pork base soup blended with specially made Soy sauce.Vegetarian RamenNoodles in light flavor of Miso or Soy sauce base soup.Tanpopo RamenNoodles in Special Creamy Pork base soup blended with Salt base soup.Tonkotsu Shio RamenNoodles in rich flavor Pork base soup blended with Salt base soup.Shoyu RamenNoodles in light flavor Chicken and Soy sauce base soup.Shio RamenNoodles in light flavor Chicken and Salt base Clear soup.Miso Tonkotsu RamenNoodle in rich flavor Pork base soup blended with specially made Soy sauce.Miso RamenNoodles in rich flavor Pork base soup blended with Miso base soupEXRA NOODLE 替え玉 $3 / LARGE SIZE 大盛り $4 Extra Topping for RamenAdd and Enjoy more taste!
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